Award-Winning Playwright Eric Coble Speaks to Seeds Book Club

After spending the last few weeks reading Eric Coble’s collection of short ten-minute plays, Ten Minutes From Cleveland, the members of the Seeds Book Club were lucky enough to get a visit from the playwright himself on Wednesday, May 2.
Similar to his plays, Eric’s kindness, humility, and humor awed the Book Club as they asked him the tough questions about writing and staying motivated.
So inspired by his visit, one student ended the session by enthusiastically asking, “So when are you coming back?”
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Eric Coble’s plays include “The Velocity of Autumn” (Broadway premiere at the Booth Theatre, starring Estelle Parsons and Stephen Spinella, directed by Molly Smith), “Fairfield”, “Southern Rapture”,“Bright Ideas”, “The Dead Guy”, “My Barking Dog”, “A Girl’s Guide to Coffee”, and “The Giver” and have been produced Off-Broadway, in all fifty states of the U.S., and on several continents, including productions at Manhattan Class Company, The Kennedy Center, Playwrights Horizons, Actors Theatre of Louisville Humana Festival, Denver Center Theatre Company, Arena Stage, New York and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, Alliance Theatre, Cleveland Play House, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, South Coast Repertory, Asolo Repertory, Indiana Repertory, Coterie Theatre, Great Lakes Theater Festival, Stages Repertory, Geva Theatre, and The Contemporary American Theatre Festival.
Awards include the AATE Distinguished Play Award for Best Adaptation, an Emmy nomination, the Chorpenning Playwriting Award for Body of Work, the AT&T Onstage Award, National Theatre Conference Playwriting Award, an NEA Playwright in Residence Grant, a TCG Extended Collaboration Grant, the Cleveland Arts Prize, two Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Fellowships, and four Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Grants.