Union Home Mortgage Foundation – Intern Day of Service Supports Seeds

Each year, Union Home Mortgage recruits more than a hundred summer interns into their L.E.A.D. Internship Program. Program participants are provided with mentors, a variety of professional development opportunities, workshops, networking events, social events, sporting events, and more. (It’s really cool – check out all the stuff they get to do!)
But what Seeds likes best is the annual Intern Day of Service.
Union Home Mortgage Foundation lends its 100+ summer interns to small organizations throughout the community for a day of volunteerism. Seeds is one of those organizations. Last year, interns created a series of videos to help our traditionally analog students become more comfortable in the Virtual Classroom during the pandemic.
This year, the group took advantage of the beautiful weather and hit the streets near Seeds West to recruit students and tutors, and educate area businesses about the importance of adult literacy on the local economy.
Everyone returned in good spirits. “I was pleasantly surprised at how receptive businesses were to taking and displaying the materials,” one said. “A man on his porch was so excited to talk to us, he said he has been thinking about getting his GED for a long time,” said another.
Several of the interns are thinking about becoming tutors. “I had no idea how significant the [illiteracy] statistics were. It’s pretty shocking,” one told us.
Thank you, Union Home Mortgage Foundation, for supporting Seeds! We really enjoyed having this energetic group with us!
If you or your company would like to get involved with Seeds of Literacy, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteering@seedsofliteracy.org.