
How to Register and Enroll as a Student at Seeds of Literacy

[originally published June 7, 2018. Revised for 2023 on 5/1]

Registration. Orientation. Enrollment. These are all words that describe the process for joining our FREE tutoring program for the high school equivalency (GED® or HiSET®), or basic adult education.

  1. Fill out the Registration form online. 
  2. Attend Orientation and complete assessments.
  3. You are now an Enrolled student!

WHERE do I Register / Enroll?

Online Students 

  1. To complete Registration, start by filling out this online form: If you have trouble completing the form, please call us at 216-661-7950.
  2. Check your email! A week later, you will receive an invite to Orientation. 

In-Person Students  

To complete Registration, start by filling out this online form: If you are unable to complete the form at home, you can complete it during Orientation at one of our two locations. You should pick the location where you would like to attend class.

WHEN is Orientation?

We have daytime Orientation for new students EVERY WEEK (this is called open enrollment.) 

First, decide WHERE you want to be a student.

Once you’ve selected a location, you’ll know what days you’ll need to come to Orientation: 

  • Virtual Classroom holds Orientation on Mondays at 11am and 6pm EST every week.
  • Seeds West holds Orientation on Tuesdays at 1pm EST. 
  • Seeds East holds Orientation on Wednesdays at 1pm EST. 

Evening Orientation for in-person classes is offered at 5pm once a month on the second Tuesday of the month at Seeds West .

Please arrive 15 minutes early if you have not already completed the Registration Form.

HOW LONG does Orientation take? 

Virtual Orientation is one hour using Zoom, plus testing on your own.

In-Person Orientation is about 3.5 hours, and includes testing. 

Although it may be tempting to take the shorter Virtual Orientation, an assessment test is required. Most students find it easier to take this test in person.

WHAT happens during Orientation?

Orientation is the only time that Seeds operates like a traditional classroom, with a “teacher” in the front, talking to everyone at the same time. 

You will meet your Student Engagement Coordinator and learn about how the Seeds program works. You’ll hear all about the high school equivalency test options available. Then:

Virtual Students

Your Student Orientation Coordinator will send you an email with a link to take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). This isn’t the kind of test you can study for and you should not worry about taking it. All this test does is help us determine your skill level, so we know what kind of classwork to give you and your tutors. 

Virtual students must complete the TABE before they can join the Virtual Classroom. 

In-Person Students

You’ll then take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). This isn’t the kind of test you can study for and you should not worry about taking it. All this test does is help us determine your skill level, so we know what kind of classwork to give you on your first day of class. The test may take up to 3 hours, but some people finish earlier. For the best results, you should not rush. You don’t have to take the test all in one day — you can schedule a time to return.

Following Orientation and completion of the TABE, students may attend class. Class time is really tutoring time, conducted as one-to-one instruction.

 To see what a typical class/tutoring session looks like, click here.

WHAT should I bring to Orientation?

If you haven’t completed the Registration form already online, you will need to know your current address, phone number, and social security number.

Do NOT bring family, friends, or food.

After I have attended Orientation, WHEN can I start classes?

In-Person Students

If you completed Orientation and the assessment test (TABE) in person, you can start tutoring the very next day! 

Virtual Students

If you completed Virtual Orientation online, you still need to complete:

  • TABE, also known as the Test of Basic Adult Education

A Student Engagement Coordinator (your Orientation Leader) will let you know when you are cleared to attend Virtual tutoring. 

(We do not offer classes on Fridays. For additional details about class times, click here.)

WHAT IF I already have a high school diploma or equivalency? Or if I only have Math left?

You can still come to Seeds of Literacy even if you only have one section left.

You can still come to Seeds of Literacy even if you graduated or have passed the official equivalency tests.

Lots of adults want to brush up on skills to improve their performance at work, start a new job, enroll in college, or help their children and grandchildren with their homework.

Registration is the same for everyone, no matter why they sign up.


Contact a Student Engagement Coordinator  by calling 216.661.7950

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Related Reading

How Long Will It Take Me To Get My GED?

5 Ways Seeds Is Different from Other Programs

Frequently Asked Questions About Class/Tutoring Time

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