On Capitol Hill for Adult Literacy

Seeds of Literacy is taking it to DC.
Executive Director Bonnie Entler and Seeds graduate and tutor Margo Hudson have an action-packed day of Congressional visits planned today as part of the Coalition on Adult Basic Education’s Hill Day.
COABE invited Bonnie to represent Ohio’s adult education community and educate Members of Congress and Senators about the critical importance of Adult Education to policy and funding decisions. Margo was awarded a scholarship from COABE to attend.
Our Seeds team will be meeting with Senator Sherrod Brown, Senator Rob Portman, Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, and Congressman David Joyce and their staff throughout the day!
Bonnie and Margo bring strong stories of student diligence, courage, transformation, and success. They want our elected officials to know that:
Adult literacy isn’t just about employment, but improved lives!
GED® Testing Service says that educational and personal gain motivate 73% of test-takers. Adult literacy:
- Improves health
Adults with low literacy have more medication errors, longer hospital stays, healthcare costs that are 4 times higher, and increased mortality rates. - Impacts generations
An NIH study showed that a mother’s reading level is the greatest determinant of her children’s academic success, outpacing family income and neighborhood. - Pays dividends
Every $1 invested in adult education brings $60 to the community in reduced social service costs and taxpayer dollars.
Adult Education is the key to restoring the American Dream!
- Funding Adult Education at least at $649 million will help the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act succeed.
- Adults with low education and skills are a barrier to almost every major challenge facing the US: early childhood education, education reform, international competitiveness, reducing crime, and improved health outcomes.
- Adult Education breaks the cycle of generational poverty. Their vote creates a legacy!
We’ll be posting pictures throughout the day on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, so stay connected!