5 Tips to Stick to Your Goals

It’s the New Year, and that means lots of people are making resolutions for things they want to change or do better in the coming year.
But resolutions can be easy to make, and unfortunately even easier to break.
Whether you want to to call it a goal, an intention, or a promise to yourself, here are five tips to help set what you want to accomplish and follow through on it.
1. Pick a goal that is important to you
This sounds obvious, but it can be easy to set a goal for yourself based around what other people are doing or what you think you should want. If your goal doesn’t matter to you, then you have no reason to stick to it.
Don’t just set a goal because it’s the new year, either. A flip of the calendar page is not a reason to take on a major change. Be ready, and be focused.
2. Make sure your goal is something you have control over
Some of the things we want to change in our lives are things we actually can’t control. Setting goals based around those kinds of things is a bad idea, because a) nothing will actually change, and b) you’ll feel bad for not being able to reach your goal.
Instead, set a goal that is based around your own actions — something that only you are responsible for.
For instance, setting a goal like, “I want to be healthier” is hard because people can get sick through no fault of their own. What you can say instead, though, is, “I will walk around my block every day,” or, “I will eat less junk food between meals.” Not only are those goals more practical and specific than saying you want to be healthier, but they also come down to your own behavior, which you can control.
3. Be realistic
Being realistic is really important to for reaching your goals. This means that you don’t set goals that are too big, or on a timeline that is impractical.
For example, setting a goal like, “I want to pass my whole GED test by next month,” is unrealistic for most people. Instead, try breaking it down into smaller goals, and give yourself enough time to accomplish it. For example, a more realistic goal might be, “I want to take my first GED practice test by June,” or, “I want to start fractions by next month.”
If you’re enrolled in a GED prep program, it’s a good idea to talk with your instructor to make sure you’re setting a realistic goal. Your instructor is there to help you and knows how much work you might need to do before you’re ready, and you can set goals together.
4. Share your goal, then walk the talk
If you tell a bunch of people that you’re going to do something, then a lot of people are expecting you to do it. Sharing your goal is a way to hold yourself accountable.
Also, if people know that you’re trying to do something different, then you can reach out to them for help if you need it. Changing something about your behavior or lifestyle to reach a goal isn’t easy, and it’s important to have support.
5. Be proud of your progress
One big goal is made of up many little victories. Don’t forget that as you keep your sights set on your final target. Recognizing each milestone or positive decision will help you focus on your progress instead of how far you may still have to go, so celebrate your achievements!
Want to get your education back on track in the New Year? Learn more about enrolling in GED prep classes with Seeds of Literacy.