Adult Education, a Bipartisan Rarity

Politics are a contentious topic at any time. In this election cycle in particular, our political dialogue seems extra heated, the divide between us a little deeper. With the Republican National Convention coming to Cleveland next week, there’s a heightened sense of politics in the air.
From our perspective at Seeds of Literacy, though, there’s much-needed common ground in at least one area: adult basic education.
What’s great about working in this field is that people of all political persuasions get behind our mission to improve lives and empower adults through literacy. We have donors, volunteers, and staff who are proud Republicans. You can just as easily find dedicated Democrats in the same ranks.
People of the “pick yourself up by the bootstraps” mentality, and those who say, “Well, society never gave some people bootstraps in the first place,” both look at a group of students working towards the GED® credential at Seeds and find their reason to get involved and support them.
I don’t expect (to use a tired joke) everyone from every political bent to gather for a round of “Kumbaya” in our classroom, but with our country as divided as it can sometimes feel, it’s actually really wonderful to know there’s bipartisan support for the work that Seeds does.
Different people will have different interpretations about why our students are here, but that’s okay because one thing is undeniable: the students at Seeds of Literacy work hard to make the future brighter for themselves and their families.
That’s something everyone can agree on.
Red or blue, you can show your support for adult education with a donation to Seeds of Literacy.