Hope for Life: Acclaim for Margo Hudson’s Courage

What’s it like to have a room of 1,000 people give you a standing ovation?
Seeds of Literacy graduate and current volunteer tutor Margo Hudson found out when she accepted her Outstanding Adult Learner of the Year Award from the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) at their national conference in Dallas, held last week.
COABE also produced a stunning video about Margo, featuring her in action as a tutor at Seeds, as well as commentary from Seeds’ Executive Director Bonnie Entler. The video played as an introduction to Margo at the conference before she accepted her award.
Enjoy Margo’s COABE video, and her acceptance speech, below.
This is just the latest in much-deserved accolades received by Margo for being a dedicated advocate for adult literacy. Margo was also awarded the Courage Award from Ohio Governor John Kasich as part of his State of the State address on April 6th. “Her courage in the face of so many challenges is inspiring,” said Gov. Kasich of Margo.
“Good Afternoon. First, I would like to thank the organization called Seeds of Literacy for opening up their doors and for educating people like myself and others to earn their G.E.D. and feel proud of themselves. I’m very grateful for that organization.
I always wanted that education so I could have better job choices and feel better about myself and have a better quality of life. Now that I have my G.E.D., the sky’s limitless as to what I can do.
I want to thank my husband Dale, my family, friends, and coworkers for all the support and encouraging words that they have shown towards me.
I would also like to thank the organization the Commission on Adult Basic Education for putting on this event across the world and educating people in many different ways of literacy.
Thank you.”
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