Blog : literacy

[VIDEOS] Seeds of Literacy Celebrates GED Class of 2024

The Seeds of Literacy Class of 2024 celebrated with a ceremony at Tri-C Metro’s Campus Center on Saturday, June 29. A new venue for the Seeds graduation, the space afforded the opportunity for even more friends and family to attend. Thirty of the year’s 120 graduates decorated their caps, put
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12 Days of Christmas, Seeds Style

On the first day of Christmas the Seeds Staff gave to me  On the second day of Christmas the Seeds Staff gave to me  On the third day of Christmas the Seeds Staff gave to me On the fourth day of Christmas the Seeds Staff gave to me On the
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Don’t Talk Yourself Out of a Rewarding Opportunity

In today’s busy world, finding the time and inclination to volunteer is often difficult. And we’ve all done it. Talked ourselves out of wonderful volunteer opportunities. Sometimes we think we don’t have what it takes. Sometimes we think we don’t have time. Sometimes we just don’t understand the opportunity that
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Tutor Spotlight: Author & Tutor Tricia Springstubb

As a writer of children’s and young adult literature, Tricia Springstubb carries a pen and notebook with her always, ready if inspiration strikes. It’s served her well – she’s published nearly 20 books, and her most recent sold more than 100,000 copies! As an author, she’s a frequent speaker at
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OP ED: Literacy Is An Everyday Miracle

Before moving to Virginia, Billy Hallal was a Site Coordinator at Seeds. You can take the boy out of Seeds but you can’t take Seeds out of the boy.  Now at ForKids — one of the largest providers of homeless services to families in Virginia — he’s still sharing our
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Seeds Partners In Cleveland’s Race to One Million Books

NOVEMBER 30, 2022 (CLEVELAND, OH) – A city that reads together grows together. That’s the purpose behind the Cleveland Reads Citywide Reading Challenge.  The goal is for the entire city to collectively read one million books and/or one million minutes in 2023. Sign up online at and to use
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What is Prewriting and How Is It Done?

~ The First Stage of the Writing Process ~ Too often we assume that writing happens instantaneously and without much thought; however, the important thing to remember is that writing takes time. (And usually a lot of planning.) Prewriting is the first, and some say the most important, stage of
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Avid Readers Perform Better On High School Equivalency Tests

~ 30-Minutes A Day Is All It Takes ~ Want to be successful on your GED® or HiSET® high school equivalency test? One of the best ways to do that is by becoming a “reader.” There’s no shortage of research that demonstrates readers have higher vocabularies and tend to be
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