Students Present Angelou, Kipling, and More for World Read Aloud Day

Each year, on World Read Aloud Day, people around the globe read together and share stories to advocate for literacy as human right that belongs to all people.
On February 1, Seeds East celebrated WRAD by reading a selection of poems and a short speech. After morning class, students, tutors, and staff gathered to listen to poetry read aloud.
“Students who read did a fantastic job,” said Site Coordinator Kara Krawiec. “They brought the words to life and spread messages of hope and perseverance.”
The following students read in front of their peers:
- “Life is Fine” by Langston Hughes, read by Lynnette S
- “I Will Rise” by Maya Angelou, read by Charmaine H
- “It Couldn’t Be Done” by Edgar Guest, read by Kathy Z
- “Numbers” by Mary Cornish, read by Fatima K
- “If” by Rudyard Kipling, read by Laquita F
The audience attentively listened and enthusiastically applauded following each presentation.
“There’s something magical about being read to,” one tutor commented. “No matter what your age.”
Krawiec ended the event by reading George Saunders’ 2013 Syracuse Commencement Speech entitled, Congratulations, By the Way.
“Seeds has challenged students, tutors, and staff to read a minimum of 30 minutes a day,” she explained. “Reading is a powerful activity and we hope that by participating in events such as WRAD, everyone will learn to love reading and make it a habit.”
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Video: Students Present Poetry for Valentine’s Day