Blog : Seeds Successes

ACTIVE IN THE COMMUNITY: Student Ambassadors Showcase Seeds

“A teacher a long time ago destroyed my dreams – she took away the importance of education,” said Student Ambassador Melissa Hill Nance. “But everything she stole from me, Seeds has given back, and more.” Seeds is so much more than tutoring. That’s the message that Melissa and fellow Seeds
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Student Profile: Ambassador Sheila is Blessed

Sheila Barnes is easy to spot in the Seeds West classroom. She’s the one in the bedazzled Blessed ball cap. If she hasn’t already welcomed you as a newcomer into the room, it’s only because she’s working with her tutor. Give her a minute or two to look up and
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Graduate Keeva Long

Alumni Check-In: Her Second GED: Keeva Long

“I know loss,” 2021 graduate Keeva Long said. “I buried babies. I grew up in public housing. I have a felony.” But she overcame, and wants others to know that they can overcome, too. If those challenges weren’t enough, Keeva was shot three times, an uninvolved bystander in a drive-by-shooting
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Long-time tutor Jane Bohne in the classroom

Tutor Spotlight: Jane Bohne’s 22 Years at Seeds

Very few people can say they’ve been a part of the entire transformation of Seeds, from church basements to world-wide online. Jane Bohne is one of the few. She’s volunteered with us for 22 of our 25 years, amassing 2,130* hours of working with students. After college, Jane was a
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A Backyard of their Own: Alumni Check-In: Ashley Wilson

“My children can learn the address and we won’t ever have to move again. No sharing backyards, or driveways. This is OUR home,” said Ashley Wilson. She moved into the newly-renovated, two-story, three-bedroom home  —her very first single-family home— in August 2022. “My favorite room in the house is the
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The Boomerang Staff

As Seeds President Bonnie Entler gives new employees the welcome tour, she introduces coworkers with a little background information, such as “one of the long-time staffers” or “new, just like you!”  But now there’s a growing category of employees — “The Boomerangs” also called “The Returned.” These are the staff
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Seeds Participates in CLE Pride, Celebrates Acceptance

After a COVID-filled hiatus, Pride returned to Cleveland in a big way the first weekend of June. The LGBT Community Center’s annual march and festival expanded its footprint from Public Square to Malls B and C. And this year, Seeds of Literacy was there in an official capacity.  Virtual Student
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Alumni Check-In: Transformation of Paul Mlady

“If every education program was run the same way as Seeds, there’d be no dropout rate in this country. The one-to-one attention, the obvious caring, these are the things that make a huge difference.”  “Some students need more individual attention, and I was one of them, ” said 2017 GED
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